zondag 9 augustus 2009

a total wtf situation

**UPDATE** : I just found out that one of my favourite bloggers has put on a piece about site statistics as well. That is so... awesome. It's like we have a connection. [insert crazy laugh]

So, I've mentioned before that I have this thing called Statcounter on my blog which keeps track of how many people visit your site and where they come from and how long they visit your site and what they Googled to end up on your site - just not who they are (yes. They're that cruel). So that's a great thing to do when you're bored, which I am. And two things were utterly strange:

1. Someone visited my site 45 times. ON ONE DAY. How do you even manage that? I'm so scared. Also, there was a person who was on my site for three and a half hours. What do you do on my blog for three and a half hours? Do you read every single entry from the past four months? Do you gaze at pictures for an hour? What were you doing? It's flattering, really, but it's also pretty weird.*

2. A certain friend of mine is being Googled like, several times a month. After which they end up on my blog, because he was in one of my entries - and no, I'm not gonna say who, I'll let you smartasses figure it out - and so they end up here. I'm quite (but not entirely) certain he just Googles himself several times a month, though.**

* Okay, so it's not weird at all. I get it. I am a marvelous creature you just can't stop staring at. And I love you for it. Kisses.
** Sorry sorry sorry to that person. I really didn't mean that you're a self-absorbed person.***

*** GHA. I totally did.

1 opmerking:

  1. About the dude who spent 3.5 hours on your site, it might be so that he is not a lunatic at all. Maybe he just went to check up on your darrrn good writing, but had to go to the bathroom and never came back because he fell out of the bathroom window? :p It's not me, by the way. Unless I'm the one who fell out of the window. And I'm pretty sure I haven't done that in a while. Though it might be possible that I forgot all about it because of the fall.

    Anyway, merry Christmas.
