maandag 17 augustus 2009

i wanna see you work

I've been thinking a lot lately about getting a job. It's obvious that I need one, seeing as my monthly income (which is a stunning €20) just isn't sufficient for a clothes lover such as myself. But it seems that the only jobs for a 17-year-old available are the following:

The Supermarket
The most dreaded job of all. True, some of my friends seem to love working there, but it's just not for me - all the heavy lifting! The crazy work hours! The hideous uniform!

A Lunchroom
I've done that. It went well for the first three months, but somehow I seemed to do something wrong all of a sudden - I believe the boss thought I was working too slowly - and the endless stream of critisism made me very insecure, which resulted in me dropping cutlery and forgetting things. It was a shame, because the other boss seemed to like me well enough and always tipped me at the end of the day because of all my 'hard work'. Still, I'm traumatized and probably won't attempt another job in a restaurant before my confidence has recovered.

A Clothes Shop
This does seem like the perfect job for me, wouldn't it? Being around clothes all day long. But I always find sales assistents slightly intimidating, especially when they're a little too keen on trying to sell something you're trying on. The girls in clothing stores also always seem a bit older than 17, more in the 20-25 range, or is that just me?

The Burger King

Okay, now that I've covered the jobs I believe seventeen-year-olds are supposed to do, let's talk about my dream jobs:

A Bookstore
This really would be fantastic. I'd be able to wear whatever I want - because being able to look fab really would be a big pro in any job - and most of the time bookstores are really quiet places, so no stressful workdays! And I love books. I really do love them.

A Band
Or maybe not a band, but just, you know, singing. You can easily make 40 euros for a performance if you're completely unknown, and for me 40 bucks is a lot! And think of all the advantages: free drinks, getting famous, all that jazz... But I'm afraid I'll have to come up with more than one guitar and a few songs if I want to keep people entertained for an hour. Still, I could try and find some pubs who host local bands' performances. Or, you know, pretend to be some well-known British artist who's doing a pub tour.

A Vintage Shop
Having the first pick on all the vintage stuff that arrives. Selling clothes but not in an industrial, loveless way. Unfortunately, we only have one halfway decent vintage store (and two crappy ones) in the place where I live, and that job is occupied by a fantastic-looking vintage-loving girl so I'm afraid I'm no match!

When I look at the designs that are made for posters and such, I always think that I could do that too. I really could. I'm just too scared to put myself out there because there already is such a big world of creative youths (though most of the time they're not seventeen) and I'm not good at selling myself!

Seeing everything put in a list, I know I'm just not the enterprising type who gets all the dream jobs. I'm a big wimp. But this certainly gives me a boost to try and do something about my current jobless situation!

Do you have any good tips on jobs?

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