zondag 9 augustus 2009

times of luxury

So, somehow everyone's away this week except for me and a few other pitiful creatures, but the good thing is that I've borrowed my boyfriend's laptop (he's away to the Sziget festival) for the week, and it's like, the fastest laptop I've ever come across, which combined with our superspeed-internet promises a lot of time going to be spent on the Internet the coming week. Which is a good thing for this blog, of course.
So, I found out this laptop even has a pretty good webcam:

Yeah, that's how surprised I was when I found out. And I immediately started doing what every sane person in this situation would do: started making goofy photos of myself.

Which is exactly what you'd do in this situation, right? Anyhoodle, I decided this'd be the perfect opportunity to show you guys my new necklace-invention without doing tricky stuff with cameras and so:

It's like, a retro car! But on a necklace! Isn't that brilliant? No? Whatever. It made me laugh. Have a nice day.

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