I'm sorry for the quietness lately, but I've had a rather hard few days which ended in me being single again - for the first time in two years. (I'm sorry, I'm normally not really a big fan of the personal-stories-blogs, but I think you ought to know.) In short, I'm not quite in the mood for outfit posts and such. But to keep your fashion-hungry minds satiated, here's a list of my newly-discovered favourite blogs:
Garance Doré, a friend of The Satorialist, is a French illustrator and fashionista - and a quite funny one at that.
Hannah Kristina Metz doesn't really have a blog, but her photostream is exceptionally inspiring and I have a major girl crush on her - she's so darn pretty! She's like a brunette Scarlett Johansson with better style.
Boubouteatime is mainly very good at making collages. She has a way of saying things that lets you know she actually wrote it in French and then translated it, which is cute - "a petite story that gently began with a glass of cinnamon and mint tea... in a sweetly shiny morning and has never been finished... never ever..." See? It's like speaking French with English words.
Wishwishwish is, as I gather, quite a well-known blog, but I thought I'd put her here anyway. A very stylish girl who does lots of DIYs and outfit posts. I especially like her recurring "Things That Make Me Smile", for they always do make me smile.
LeFashion is pretty hardcore-runway-fashion, really high-end and not very copyable, but if you see something on LeFashion, you can be certain it will be a trend in the next few months. It's not so much a style blog in itself; it's more a collection of snapshots, magazine editorials and such.
Liebemarlene Vintage really is mouth-watering. It's a secondhandshop-owner's blog, and I want every single item she puts on sale - and everything she owns as well. This blog is to be avoided if you're on a shopping ban. (But if you have a lot of cash on your hands, it really triggers the lust for shopping!)
Daddy Likey's main perk is that she is incredibly funny. She gives some kind of a cute twist to all the serious fashion blogs. Highlights are the Five Men's First Impressions in which she asks her brothers, father and boyfriend's opinion on fashion items, the High Fashion Haiku and the Don't Show-cha Your Chocha, where readers send in photos of girls - mostly modelling for fashion brands - who are given a shirt to wear as a dress and take on the most awkward poses in an effort to stay decent.