dinsdag 22 december 2009

primark here I come!

Tomorrow I'm going on a shopping trip (oh, how decadent that sounds) to the only Primark and New Look in our tiny and unfashionable country, which are both in Rotterdam. The city itself does not really hold any interest to me - it has been bombed in World War Two and, as a result, only has shiny new buildings, which I'm not quite interested in; I like old cities! However, New Look's website is full of gorgeous clothes and Primark is, apparently, like a cheaper (and cooler, for its exclusivity - in Holland, at least) H&M. So I'm really excited!
The picture doesn't have anything whatsoever to do with this post, but I'm just really missing my Gossip Girl DVD box right now!

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Dat is niet waar, mijn huis is heel oud :p
    Maar uh, die winkels zitten niet echt dicht bij elkaar. Sowieso is Primark vol met crap :p of heb je er wat leuks gevonden?

  2. En.... waarom is Nederland eigenlijk unfashionable? Ik vind het wel leuk dat de fashion niet óveral te vinden en te koop is. Houd het tenminste nog een beetje spannend en origineel, nietwaar?
