woensdag 2 december 2009

it's december

...and it's wet and cold outside! I'm in a constant state of exhaustion, which seems to be a direct result of the weather, and so I haven't wanted to get off my comfortable couch and throw off my blanket in order to make outfit photos. What I have done is find a lot of new music, and that's as good as anything to post on a blog, I guess! So here we go:

Esser - Headlock

Two years ago, I was very much into this song, which was a minor hit back then. I kept hearing this song at work and it reminded me of Thou Shalt Always Kill. I love the British accent, the lyrics (ooh, you got me in a right state, you got me messing up all my moves) and the electronic bleeping music in the background.

Celtic Woman - Carol of the Bells

I was meaning to do another post of my favourite, non-cheesy Christmas songs and put this one in, but it's too perfect; whenever I listen to it, I think of Harry Potter movies and snow-covered roofs and cinnamon-scented candles, ideal Christmas bliss!

Nouvelle Vague - Ça Plane Pour Moi

This is one of my all-time favourite songs covered by one of my all-time favourite bands. That's all.

Muse - I Belong To You

Matt Bellamy's French is terrible, so when he starts crooning the French chanson part and says réponds like "ree-ponts" I can't help but cringe and say the right pronounciation very loudly inside my head (I'm some sort of language purist maybe?). But other than that, I love Muse and this song is epic.

Yael Naim - Toxic

I saved the best for last: Yael Naim's cover of Britney's Toxic is my very favourite song at this moment. It's, of course, much better than the original. It's also dream-like, the lyrics suddenly seem to have a much deeper meaning, and the whole song makes me want to fall in love with a venomous person, which I've never wanted before, so that's good right?

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