dinsdag 28 juli 2009

this will seriously cheer you up

I'd heard before about this phenomenon called flashmobs, but only after an article appeared on Girlscene I started watching videos of them. A flashmob is, according to Wikipedia, a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual action for a brief time, then quickly disperse. In other words, brilliant. This is one of my favourites: two people suddenly starting to dance at Antwerp Central Station, other people joining in, and in the end over 200 people dancing to The Sound Of Music. I can only imagine how funny it would be to just stand somewhere when people unexpectedly start to dance:

And here's another one, in which people suddenly freeze for five minutes:

I'd really love to participate in such a flashmob, and fortunately they are being held in Amsterdam now too! But I think I'll just wait until I live in Amsterdam, which will be in about a year.

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