vrijdag 19 juni 2009

ten things you didn't want to know about me

1. I talk in my sleep. And groan. And move around a lot.

2. I have about 20 different skirts, and still I always think I need to buy more of them.

3. Despite placing loads of pictures of myself on this blog, I mostly don’t really like the way I look in pictures.

4. Jugendstil is my favourite period in art history.

5. I secretly wish I were a platinum blonde.

6. I have to do a million things at once (like: watch TV, read a magazine, paint my nails, text someone and study at the same time), or else I’ll get bored.

7. I do a killer Flemish accent.

8. If I could choose a profession, any profession, I’d like to be a singer. But I’ll more likely become a translator.

9. I tend to become obsessed with things very easily (things, not people). Mostly trivial things, like bow-ties or TV shows.

10. I like birds.

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