vrijdag 9 oktober 2009

you just overdid it

I'm sick and tired of fashion blogs. Sick of hungry-looking style icons with thighs like toothpicks. Tired of all the name-dropping, the head-to-toe designer gear (where's the challenge in that? Is it an art to be able to pick the weirdest things off the runway and call them fashion-forward?), because I know I just can never live up to that - I mean, as much as I'd like to have a Balmain military jacket, I can barely afford the H&M ripoff; and I'd like to own loads of platformed studded enormously high shoes and weigh no more than 50 kilos, but I'll never be high fashion and these blogs kind of started to depress me. So it was time for something new. I've deleted all the skinny, label-loving people's blogs off my Bloglovin', leaving only my favourite ones, and now all I needed was a new inspirational blog, from a normal girl who wears clothes from normal shops, and nonetheless looks absolutely fantastic. And than I saw this girl on lookbook.nu.
She's obviously very pretty, has perfect hair and great style, but she also seems very nice and normal; she could be just a girl in your school, or something. After an overload of heroine chic rich kids a blog like hers is exactly what I wanted to see, and I'll definitely be adding it to my list of favourite blogs, so be sure to check it out.

1 opmerking:

  1. I really agree, and that is so nice of you to say, thanks for writing about me on your blog. :)
