vrijdag 9 oktober 2009

The littlest things that cheer me up

Waking up in the morning, knowing you don't have to go anywhere today
Getting a text that wasn't meant for you
When a stranger is wearing a delicious perfume
Red lipstick
Lying in bed while there's a thunderstorm going on
Laughing so hard that you have to sit down
Having a boyfriend who knows how to cook food (cause I don't)
♥ Getting winked at - I know, it's a totally cheesy gesture, but I like it
♥ Finding a piece of clothing at a flee market for €1,-
Being home alone and screaming along with Aerosmith or such
Skipping gym class to eat apple sandwiches at home
Unexpected surprises

The list could go on forever, but I have to go sleep - I have to work early tomorrow morning.
[And this has to be the weirdest picture ever made of me - it wasn't intentional and no, I haven't grown a trunk C:]

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