maandag 18 januari 2010

oh lover boy you're hiding out

Today I went to Amsterdam with Judith and Thessa to find out if we liked Language and Communication at the University of Amsterdam. And in fact, I loved it! It's sort of a combination of rhetorics and Dutch language, but you have to study a foreign language as well - which will be English for me, obviously - and after you're finished, you're perfectly qualified to work at a magazine. And that is my final goal in life. I wore something like this:

..but with a longer black skirt and sensible black tights, because you just can't walk around Amsterdam with nearly-bared upper legs covered in not much more than polka dots when it's 5 degrees celcius - you'd get cystitis and even if you don't, all the tourist will probably think you're a hooker. After the orientation day we went looking for earmuffs in all the tourist shops, but somehow they only sold silly-looking ones that go around the back of your head, or huge heart-shaped ones that make you look like you have big, fluffy ears? So weird. Ah well, I can't wait to be done with school now!

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