vrijdag 29 januari 2010
woensdag 27 januari 2010
smoke on the water
I normally try not to wear too much makeup. When you have to cycle every day, it's simply not a good idea to smear black eyeshadow all over your eyes, because once you've arrived, it'll be on your cheeks instead of your eyelids and you look like a raccoon - especially with this weather; it's raining at the moment I'm writing this, but yesterday it was snowing and in the mornings it's freezing, which makes for very teary eyes while cycling. So only the bare minimum is tolerable (which is, for me, eyeshadow, kohl and mascara; still a bit more then the average 'bare minimum'), and certainly only on the upper eyelid, nothing under my eyes, to avoid the aforementioned raccoon effect. But I decided to give the whole smokey-eye-thing a try once; it doesn't really fit with how I usually look (and my version isn't shockingly dark - it was just too big a change from my usual makeup, and so I kept the line under my eyes reasonably thin and used a grey pencil instead of a black one) but it does look sort of... cool, I guess.
p.s. I usually edit my pictures into infinity, but I decided to keep these as real as possible. So, in spite of my usual oh-my-god-it's-a-closeup-people-might-see-I'm-not-perfect-anxiety, I didn't change anything about this pictures except the saturation.
zondag 24 januari 2010
For a long time, Dr. Martens were the height of ugliness in my book. The only people who wore them were, in my opinion, emotionally unstable malcontents who moved in groups where everybody had too-wide ripped trousers with chains attached to them, wore enough eyeliner to paint a room, and wrote lousy poems about how their life felt like a big black hole filled with painful words and how the only way out was to scratch their arms with a cheese grater. While the blogosphere was slowly showing more and more pictures of grungy girls wearing Docs, I contented myself with the knowledge that I, for one, would never ever succumb to the evil-looking Doc-wearers, but would instead fill my closet with lightweight, cute, utterly unpractible shoes.
And then my whole world was shredded apart by this picture.
A couple of months ago, the Cherry Blossom Girl showed Dr. Martens in a way that didn't quite match up with the images in my head of emo girls who paired their fluorescent pink Docs with acid green shoelaces and mismatched stripey socks. Combined with polkadot tights, cutoff Levi's and a sweet vintage floral print, I suddenly wasn't too sure that Docs were the ugliest shoes around - in fact, I wasn't sure about anything anymore. What was next? Were Crocs going to be fashionable, too? In five years, would we be walking around in Nike sandals with socks and feel like the styliest thing around? (Little did I know that a few short months later, the blogosphere would be filled with wooden clogs. As in, Swedish Hasbeens, not the yellow Dutch ones - although Viktor & Rolf did an awesome job with Dutch clogs in 2007. But I'm getting of topic here). So as the Doc Martens started trickling into the Stylish Photos-folder on my computer and every single blogger on my blogroll seemed to own them (and be able to make them look cute), I knew I was sold. And that it wouldn't be long before I myself would be walking around in... oh, maybe those very floral printed Docs! Or the simple black ones that make you look like you should've been born in another time. Or - hey, how cool would it be to come back from London with a pair of Union Jack-printed ones!? Now, for me Dr. Martens have completely lost their repulsiveness and are - I never, ever thought I would say this - incredibly cute.
woensdag 20 januari 2010
wipe the eyes of the dewy morning
Today, I was supposed to be working on a school paper, study for the finals next week, and such. Instead, I made pictures of myself, tried on different kinds of makeup, and invented a new way of editing my photos that makes them look vintage and of better quality at the same time. Ah well.
youtube favorites part 2
1 Such a cute Dutch band. I even think they're from the same city as I am? Not sure though 2 This is so incredibly funny 3 I watched this movie with Ben a couple of months ago. I'm still not over how cool it was 4 Gossip Girl S3 is now on TV in the Netherlands, but I've already watched all of it and I'm really sad that it's stopped until March 5 We saw this in class the other day. Yes, we have cool classes 6 the funny thing is that he's right. He understands more about than all the boys I know (why, oh why don't boys seem to get it?) 7 She just looks absolutely stunning. 8 Still one of my favourite songs 9 Spinvis. Yes. 10 Incredibly well-made and funny
1 Such a cute Dutch band. I even think they're from the same city as I am? Not sure though 2 This is so incredibly funny 3 I watched this movie with Ben a couple of months ago. I'm still not over how cool it was 4 Gossip Girl S3 is now on TV in the Netherlands, but I've already watched all of it and I'm really sad that it's stopped until March 5 We saw this in class the other day. Yes, we have cool classes 6 the funny thing is that he's right. He understands more about than all the boys I know (why, oh why don't boys seem to get it?) 7 She just looks absolutely stunning. 8 Still one of my favourite songs 9 Spinvis. Yes. 10 Incredibly well-made and funny
maandag 18 januari 2010
oh lover boy you're hiding out
Today I went to Amsterdam with Judith and Thessa to find out if we liked Language and Communication at the University of Amsterdam. And in fact, I loved it! It's sort of a combination of rhetorics and Dutch language, but you have to study a foreign language as well - which will be English for me, obviously - and after you're finished, you're perfectly qualified to work at a magazine. And that is my final goal in life. I wore something like this:
..but with a longer black skirt and sensible black tights, because you just can't walk around Amsterdam with nearly-bared upper legs covered in not much more than polka dots when it's 5 degrees celcius - you'd get cystitis and even if you don't, all the tourist will probably think you're a hooker. After the orientation day we went looking for earmuffs in all the tourist shops, but somehow they only sold silly-looking ones that go around the back of your head, or huge heart-shaped ones that make you look like you have big, fluffy ears? So weird. Ah well, I can't wait to be done with school now!
zondag 17 januari 2010
I made this photo to show off my beloved patterned tights from Primark (and my other favourite Primark acquisitions: the dress and a hair clip) but in the middle of the editing process somehow ended up looking like a blood-thirsty vampire. Not entirely cured of my Twilight-love, I sort of like it. I posted a somewhat more human photo on Lookbook here, but I'm thinking of putting the vampire one up instead, I haven't quite decided!
youtube favourites part 1
1 this makes me want to be blonde. And sexy. 2 Clara Bow make up tutorial - especially lovin' the lips 3 this guy is sexy as hell. In kind of a mad pirate way 4 gives me goosebumps every time I watch it 5 Esser: Britain's desperate youths 6 lovely girl, guy dressed as tissue monster, lovely girl being attacked by cutlery and plates, a trumpettist 7 I can only imagine how bloody hard this must be to sing. Completely awesome. And great suits 8 this used to be one of my favourite shows when I was ten. It was subtitled then; I woud love to be able to understand what they say now.
1 this makes me want to be blonde. And sexy. 2 Clara Bow make up tutorial - especially lovin' the lips 3 this guy is sexy as hell. In kind of a mad pirate way 4 gives me goosebumps every time I watch it 5 Esser: Britain's desperate youths 6 lovely girl, guy dressed as tissue monster, lovely girl being attacked by cutlery and plates, a trumpettist 7 I can only imagine how bloody hard this must be to sing. Completely awesome. And great suits 8 this used to be one of my favourite shows when I was ten. It was subtitled then; I woud love to be able to understand what they say now.
bad week

In better news: I overcame my shyness for jewelry (I somehow never buy jewelry, although I very much like it) and bought a little owl ring. It's really quite cute; I'm going to buy some more rings and other shiny stuff once I get my salary!
dinsdag 12 januari 2010
Ah, the good old times - I found the film fragments a few months ago and compiled them into a video, which shows me as an awkward fifteen-year-old with odd mouth movements due to braces, and Inge as generally a brilliant fifteen-year-old - she has never been awkward. Or in braces. The song is called Bright as Yellow by The Innocence Mission.
vrijdag 8 januari 2010
i just want you around
It's Friday and I'm so tired I can't even think anymore. Here's a song to fill up space:
Have a nice weekend everyone!
Have a nice weekend everyone!
dinsdag 5 januari 2010
Lykke Li

(I'm Good I'm Gone)
Oh could it be I passed you by
a thousand times before
Not knowing who you were?
I'm a bit of a sucker for poetry in songs, and so I always listen to the lyrics; and these are just sublime. Mind you, they might sound pretty melodramatic, but the melodies are always quite cheerful, so it's not some kind of emo music. My other favourites are:
So tell me when you hear my heart stop
You're the only one who knows
Tell me when you here my silence
There's a possibility I wouldn't know
Window Blues
I sleep with windows open
I sleep with eyes wide
In case you would come walking
In case you change your mind
and Let It Fall
I like it salt, I like it wet
I like my make-up in a mess
So I cry hard, let if fall
And I won't stop until my tears are all shed
today's outfit
Okay - so I looked slightly more boring than this today; no sparkly hat but a decent, woolly one, and I stole borrowed this necklace off my sister for the photo.
Nooit meer door stortbuien, tegenwind, hagel en omvallende bomen naar school fietsen. Nooit meer de geur van met teveel Axe bespoten bruggers in de lucht. Nooit meer te grote rugtassen en te kleine glittertasjes. Nooit meer schoolfeesten stampvol lapdancende meisjes en verlegen jongetjes. Nooit meer geweldige leraren die je gaat missen en nooit meer sadistische leraren die je het liefst zo snel mogelijk vergeet. Geen muffe lokalen meer met piepende whiteboardstiften en geen boterhammen kruidenkaas-komkommer meer in een plastic zakje, want broodtrommeltjes zijn zo uncool. En nooit, nooit meer in de kantine zitten en praten over niks en klagen over de volgende les en als een gek naar buiten hollen als de zon schijnt en hopen dat de jongen die je leuk vindt met je komt praten. Want nu zijn we groot, en klaar met school, en waarschijnlijk weten we pas hoe leuk deze tijd was als wij alweer retro zijn.
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