woensdag 27 januari 2010

smoke on the water

I normally try not to wear too much makeup. When you have to cycle every day, it's simply not a good idea to smear black eyeshadow all over your eyes, because once you've arrived, it'll be on your cheeks instead of your eyelids and you look like a raccoon - especially with this weather; it's raining at the moment I'm writing this, but yesterday it was snowing and in the mornings it's freezing, which makes for very teary eyes while cycling. So only the bare minimum is tolerable (which is, for me, eyeshadow, kohl and mascara; still a bit more then the average 'bare minimum'), and certainly only on the upper eyelid, nothing under my eyes, to avoid the aforementioned raccoon effect. But I decided to give the whole smokey-eye-thing a try once; it doesn't really fit with how I usually look (and my version isn't shockingly dark - it was just too big a change from my usual makeup, and so I kept the line under my eyes reasonably thin and used a grey pencil instead of a black one) but it does look sort of... cool, I guess.

p.s. I usually edit my pictures into infinity, but I decided to keep these as real as possible. So, in spite of my usual oh-my-god-it's-a-closeup-people-might-see-I'm-not-perfect-anxiety, I didn't change anything about this pictures except the saturation. 

3 opmerkingen:

  1. je blog is echt leuuuk !
    ik hoorde van elodie dat je ook gevraagd bent voor haar project (als je de goede bent haha)
    oh shit ik ben niet ingelogd
    byee XXX

  2. erg leuke blog !



  3. pretty! :-) hey my old blog deleted itself? anyways haha my new blog is awitchsstyle.blogspot.com FOLLOW ME! please :-)
