dinsdag 15 december 2009

what..? Jeans?!

I went shopping with my best guy friend (I reckon people might read that as 'gay friend', but I mean my best male friend; he's not my best gay friend. Wow, complicated!) last week - and of course, shopping for someone else always ends up in shopping for me a bit, too. So when I passed by the only store in town that dares call itself vintage but mostly sells nineties-junk, I was pleasantly surprised when I found these shoes. I suppose they're actually men's shoes or something, and they're a whole size too big, but I actually quite like that because that allowes me to wear thick wool socks in them.

And, also, the most shocking news since the fall of the Berlin wall: I bought jeans. Two pairs of them, actually.  That'll be a first in, hm, five years? But they were on sale - very much on sale: they used to be 50 and 60 euros, but they were in a pile which said two pairs for €20,- and so I couldn't resist. The first pair is dark blue and straight-legged, very Sartorialist-y, and they make me look taller than I am. The second pair is bleached grey and very, very skinny; I could barely close the top button when I first tried it on, but that's what a good skinny jeans is supposed to be like, or so I've heard! I've already tried to match them up with some of my clothes:

Okay - enough with the pictures of myself standing in front of the white-and-blue-curtain. I'll be sure to post something new next time!

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