vrijdag 20 november 2009

not a children's movie

I just went to see A Christmas Carol with my father and sister, and it was absolutely great! Pretty scary, though - I'm used to the Muppets version, so the ghosts with disjointed jaws and bearded men withering into skeletons were kind of freaky. It was very, very beautifully made - if movies were paintings, this one would be a Caravaggio. I never understood how such perfect lighting and detail can be made in paint; much less in pixels. Go see it if you can!
I'm a spoiled kid; I'm going to the cinema two days in a row. Tomorrow I'm going to see New Moon, and I'm PSYCHED - yes, I am one of those pathetic Twilight lovers, but in my defense, the books really are good. I've just finished the last one, so I'm in desperate need of more Twilight, and my god isn't Robert Pattinson gorgeous!? Just look:

Okay, he is undead. But hot!

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